
September 1, 2006

First interview regarding the Popp-O-Mat with Doctor J. Stiffler

Filed under: Popp-O-Mat — admin @ 21:37
Welcome to our first interview, Doctor Stiffler.

Doctor J. Stiffler:
Good morning.

We’re here to discuss about a revolutionary new electronic device – the Popp-O-Mat. How did you hear about the Popp-O-Mat?

Doctor J. Stiffler:
Well, i was asked by the developer of the Popp-O-Mat if i can accomplish a study about the effectivity of this apparat and test it with test persons.

Are the tests already complete?

Doctor J. Stiffler:
Not yet, we’re still hard working on it. But it seems that the results will be amazing and a new era in the sex life will be started soon.

Can you tell us a little more about your current work?

Doctor J. Stiffler:
Of course; at the moment we are in the process of recruiting male test persons. This includes the measurement of their penis and a small sperm assay.
Doctor J. Stiffler
Doctor J. Stiffler

Popp-O-Mat Prototype
Popp-O-Mat Prototype
That’s very interresting, what will be the next work package?

Doctor J. Stiffler:
Well, that’s just the start. Next we will measure the electrical output of the Popp-O-Mat to check if it fulfills the requirements.
After this check, we’re ready to connect the Popp-O-Mat to a human body and see if the generated muscle contractions and movements matches the calculated results. Lastly we will arrange a sexual act between a man wearing the Popp-O-Mat and a woman to measure the sexual enhancement with this device.

That sounds if you’ll have a lot to do?

Doctor J. Stiffler:
Yes, that’s true.

Ok, that was very interresting. Thank you very much for this interview and i think we’ll have another one soon.

Doctor J. Stiffler:
Good bye

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